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Community Advice and Snippets (2 Viewers)

Dedicated to helping forum administrators boost their community management skills. A treasure trove of knowledge that offers a wide range of informative small articles that cover various topics such as community engagement and community manager skills. Our aim is to provide practical tips and advice that you can use to create an active and engaged community for your forum. We believe that with our expert guidance, you can develop the necessary skills to make your forum a success. So, come join our community and take the first step towards enhancing your community management skills.
Welcome to another edition of "Community Advice & Snippets"! It's been a while and today we dive into the art of building a personal and forum reputation within the world of online Communities. In this installment, we'll explore the steps to shape a positive reputation while creating a sense of friendship among like-minded online communities. In other words, time to NETWORK! Choose a Unique Username One of the first steps in creating your forum identity is selecting a distinct username that you'll use consistently across all the forums you join. This not only makes it easier for others to recognize you but also reinforces your presence in the virtual landscape. Personally, I opt for my real name, Cedric, across all forums to ensure...
It's been a while since I've done a Community Snippet, so today, I want to dive into a topic that I have seen as a bad idea. Especially if you're a staff member. The choice to set your online status to private. While it might seem like a tempting option, especially for staff members, there are some crucial aspects to consider before making that decision. Building Trust in a Transparent Environment Trust is the cornerstone of any community, and as staff members, we're entrusted with the responsibility of maintaining a safe, open, and transparent space. When you set your online status to private, it can inadvertently signal a lack of transparency. Members might wonder why you're keeping your activities hidden. This can lead to...
While I'm launching a new project myself, I thought I'd share a few tips on how to launch a new community if you're in the same boat as me. Establishing an online community has become a crucial strategy for any Community Manager to connect, engage, and share ideas. And there's a hidden treasure in starting small. The early stages of a community can be an invaluable opportunity to build a solid foundation, create meaningful connections, and set the stage for future growth. In this article, I'll tell you how you could launch and kick start your new community. 1. Creating Hype Before the launch, generate excitement by sharing teasers, sneak peeks, and countdowns on social media platforms or through email newsletters. Building...
Community management often revolves around issues that many might never notice. So, how do people perceive the community manager? Through their actions and involvement in the community. Being involved might seem like the fun, casual side of the job. After all, it's just chatting about a film, sharing a story, initiating or joining a discussion. It's what we do naturally when we connect with people. You might already know that being active in your community is beneficial. But there might be some perks you haven't considered. Your Contribution Matters Sometimes, you might forget you're a part of this community too. Your comments, your posts, they matter just as much as anyone else's. Your contributions spur more engagement, drawing...
The journey of managing a forum is packed with challenges. However, where there are problems, solutions must follow. This piece sheds light on typical forum dilemmas and offers guidance on tackling them. We'll touch upon member disputes, staff disagreements, technical hitches, downtime, and a few gray areas. Always remember, as a forum administrator, it's crucial to address issues promptly and accurately, preventing unnecessary complications that could damage your forum's reputation. The burden of dealing with spam Spam tops the list of nuisances for forum administrators. Automated tools, bots, incessantly plagues forums with spam, often making it feel like a never-ending battle – my personal "War on Spam". Contrary to popular belief...
How do you transform silent readers and lurkers into vocal contributors? Here are some tried-and-tested strategies to enhance engagement and get more replies on your forums, ensuring lively discussions and a thriving online community. Keep Engaging Engaging conversations tend to receive more responses. Isn’t that obvious? Reflect on those moments you felt urged to respond. What stirred that impulse? It was your intrigue, your admiration, or perhaps a counterpoint you wanted to share. I'm not suggesting that you be recklessly provocative, fishing for any response whatsoever. Such approaches aren’t appealing to me. Instead, aim to present thought-provoking and interesting dialogues that naturally invite others to join in, primarily...
Navigating the dynamics of online communities often sparks one central question: “What's the ideal moderator to user ratio?” In simpler terms, how many active users does it take to warrant another moderator? 20? 100? 500? This question stems from a genuine concern for a community's well-being. Yet, answering it directly becomes a dive into unpredictable waters. There's no universally applicable answer; each online community is a unique ecosystem with its variables. Several factors influence this ratio, such as: The number of active users. The quantity and size of user contributions. Community guidelines and their complexity. The subject matter and potential for controversy. Ease of reporting and handling inappropriate content. Tools...
When you stumble upon a thriving online community, with its vibrant interactions and mutual respect among members, it's tempting to assume it all happened organically. I'm here to tell you it's not. Behind this harmony is an often-overlooked champion: the community manager. Contrary to popular belief, the role of a community manager is not about basking in the limelight of social media stardom, nor is it about nonchalantly engaging in idle chit-chat on platforms like forums, Twitter and Facebook. Instead, it's a role entrenched in dedication, meticulous attention to detail, and an unwavering commitment to the community. Dedicated team behind the scenes While visitors to online communities are often charmed by their ambiance and how...
In the wake of recent events, we stand witness to the unfortunate decline of a once pioneering online forum. A once-thriving community is now on the edge of collapse due to a series of missteps and a toxic environment. As outsiders looking in, we can learn valuable lessons from this cautionary tale, understanding what not to do and how to counter such actions if faced with similar circumstances. It's sadly a follow up from this article: Avoiding Bad Leadership, and Losing Credibility Firstly, it is crucial to acknowledge the crucial role that leadership plays in shaping the forum's destiny. A dedicated and reliable team of staff members is the backbone of any successful forum. However, when staff changes become constant and a...
You might think I've spent way too much time outdoors, baking in the sunshine, only to return and write something like this. You can use {blog} or {site} instead of {forum}, the concept remains unchanged. How can I possibly come here, to an admin forum, and suggest that you shouldn't promote your forum when, for the last 10 months, all I've been doing is sharing ideas and tips on how to effectively promote a forum? The point is straightforward: you are promoting a website, but that website is always tied to your personal identity. Your reputation is absolutely crucial. After spending years (a total of 20 now) engaging on forums, sharing ideas, and being supportive, you'll earn recognition and respect. People will know that when you...
A while ago I started a thread about forum budgets: 5000 USD to Kickstart your forum We can change the number to anything else we'd like, but the problem is the same: MOST Community Managers have no idea how to spend their money for their site. Or, better said: How to spend it wisely. You can start a successful site with few bucks or thousands of dollars. Of course, having more money can help, but it doesn't mean you'll succeed, especially since you're gonna squander it for useless stuff or without a decent plan. As the saying goes, "See your forum as a business" and invest your money with a clear plan and strategy to ensure long-term success. 1. Expenses you can't neglect First things first, Web hosting is essential. But don't...
When it comes to online content, we've all come across the classic top ten lists, engaging top five comparisons, and thought-provoking rants about various topics. But let's dive deeper into the world of unique topic articles, where creativity knows no bounds, and opinions take center stage. These pieces of content have found their way into diverse websites, making the online world a more exciting and diverse place. The Fun of Non-News Report Articles Unlike conventional news reports, unique topic articles venture into a vast array of subjects that extend well beyond the confines of daily events. They serve as hidden gems, luring readers into an exploration of a diverse range of topics that align with their individual interests and...
Mental health is more important than ever. We pour in our soul in our community, but at what costs? It's important to find a good balance between real life and managing an online community. Today, I'd like to dive into a fascinating topic that is often overlooked but immensely significant in our lives as community managers - "How does managing a forum affect your everyday life?" As dedicated individuals who maintain and create online communities, we understand that forum management goes far beyond just overseeing discussions and moderating content. It intertwines with our personal and professional spheres, influencing various aspects of our daily routines and overall well-being. The role of a Community Manager The role of a Community...
The true essence of our communities. Beyond the code snippets, SEO tips, and design critiques, it's time to shed light on the often overlooked but immensely valuable asset each of our forums possesses. Join me as we explore and celebrate the heart of our communities. Knowing Your Strengths: As webmasters, we strive to create vibrant and engaging online spaces where like-minded individuals can come together to learn, collaborate, and grow. But what truly sets our forums apart? In our pursuit of excellence, we must recognize and embrace our own unique strengths. Each forum, with its own distinctive features, brings something special to the table. Identifying and leveraging these assets is key to creating a thriving community and...
At what point does the level of traffic and engagement become satisfactory? Determining the ideal threshold for satisfaction is subjective and varies depending on the goals, expectations, and unique circumstances of each community. The Metrics Maze: As community managers, we often find ourselves fixated on metrics, constantly monitoring traffic numbers, page views, and engagement rates. But is there a magical number that signifies satisfaction? The truth is, it's not a one-size-fits-all answer. Satisfaction in traffic and engagement lies in the eye of the beholder, influenced by diverse factors and objectives. To define satisfaction, it's essential to establish realistic goals for your online community. Ask yourself: What purpose does...
Online forums have long been a hub for information sharing, discussions, and community engagement. At the heart of a successful forum lies a dedicated and reliable team of staff members, responsible for maintaining order, resolving disputes, and encouraging a positive environment. However, some forums find themselves trapped in a cycle of constant staff changes, resulting in a detrimental impact on leadership, forum credibility, and ultimately, the user experience. A recurring pattern unfolds within these troubled forums, where staff members come and go with alarming frequency. Users barely have time to familiarize themselves with a moderator before they suddenly vanish, only to reappear weeks later. This revolving door of staff...
Today I've posted some new topics containing some vital information on how to handle certain subjects. Often I'm being told that creating content is difficult and forums are struggling. So let's dive into a seriously fun task that should be on your daily to-do list: posting something interesting every single day on your forum. Brace yourselves as we explore the magic of daily engagement and uncover quirky strategies to keep your community hooked, entertained, and begging for more! Picture this: your forum is a buzzing hive of activity, with members eagerly returning every day to discover what engaging content you've served up. By keeping the excitement alive through regular posts, you'll have your community members grinning from ear to...
Your admin soulmate is like the peanut butter to your jelly, the Batman to your Robin, and the avocado to your toast! They have the skills and expertise that perfectly complement yours, creating a dynamic duo in the world of webmastering. With shared goals and visions, you both rock at communicating like two peas in a pod. They're as reliable as your morning coffee and earn your trust with their unwavering commitment. And to top it all off, you just click on a personal level, making work feel like a fun adventure. Together, you're a power couple that brings productivity, growth, and a whole lot of laughter to the webmaster realm! Finding your admin soulmate Today, I'd like to delve into a topic that is often overlooked but plays a...
Adding community features to a website is like inviting a wild bunch of party animals into your virtual space. Sure, they bring tons of benefits, but man, can they be a handful! Managing and nurturing an online community takes time, effort, and a watchful eye to maintain a positive and lively environment. But hey, don't fret! Not every website needs to join the community frenzy to achieve success. It's like deciding whether to throw a crazy party or have a cozy night in with your favorite book. The choice depends on what your website is all about, who your audience is, and what you aim to achieve. Some websites can shine brightly by focusing on delivering top-notch content and giving users a smooth and delightful experience, without...
So, imagine this: you're thinking about making it mandatory for your members to introduce themselves before diving into other sections. It's like a little "hello, it's me" moment. Here's the scoop on the pros and cons: On the bright side, introductions can do some cool stuff. They help build a sense of community by bringing people closer together. Who doesn't want that warm fuzzy feeling? Plus, when folks reveal a bit about themselves, it adds a personal touch and can spark engaging discussions. It's like a virtual icebreaker! Breaking the ice Picture this: You walk into a wild party where you don't know a single soul. You're eager to join the fun, but hey, it's a tad intimidating, right? You're like, "Will they like me? Will I fit...
Today, we embark on a journey deep into the heart of content creation and management—the lifeblood that pumps vitality into your forum or website. Join me as we explore the pivotal role that content plays in the success of your online realm and exchange strategies for crafting and nurturing high-quality content that captivates your audience. So I invite you to join me and create a meaningful discussion on the following subjects: Unleash Your Creative Forces Content creation is an art, and you, dear webmasters, are the master artists. With each stroke of your keyboard, you have the power to shape the narrative, educate, entertain, and inspire. But how do you tap into your creative forces? Share your strategies for overcoming writer's...
If you are like me, you tend to procrastinate instead of working through that ‘to-do list’. Motivation can be a problem that affects us all from time to time -- it often takes me a good few hours each day before I get started on anything productive. There are even days when nothing productive is done. Repetition is something that drives me crazy; if something involves some kind of repetition, I am loathe to get started as I know just how bored I will undoubtedly get! Monotonous tasks are often the most important What does your daily routine involve? If you run community websites it is likely you check your forums or blogs, respond to emails and approve and moderate members at least once each and every day. How often do you repeat...
Greetings, adventurous webmasters! In regards of this thread, I wanted to make a little snippet about the wake up call by Joel. Picture this: You're about to embark on a thrilling quest, a journey into the untamed realm of online communities. But hold your horses (or should I say, hold your code?). Before you dive headfirst into this challenge, join me instead on this exhilarating ride as we uncover the essential research you must undertake before launching your very own online community. The target audience hunt: Who's lurking in the shadows? Every successful online community has a loyal band of followers, so it's time to identify the hidden gems of your target audience. Who are these mystical beings lurking in the digital shadows...
Online communities tend to fail for the same few reasons: Lack of focus and understanding – There’s often too much focus on features and technology (most of your potential members are not interested in these but for some reason they’re top of your priority list). Create a Mission Statement. Failure to ask ‘how’ – How will you attract members and get them talking? You spend days/weeks/months building the community website or forum rather than building the actual community itself (they’re two different things). Talking to people and building relationships is more important than your forum or website itself. A community website without members is an oxymoron. Failure to ask ‘why’ – Why will people want to join your community? What’s in...
If you've been following my Snippets, you'd know that I'm always yapping about how crucial it is to create content for your website if you want your online community to soar high. And let's face it, this is especially true during the early days when you're still trying to get your community up and running. Unique content is key To be honest, there's content of all kinds and while it's hard to provide top quality – unique content at all times, it's still something you need to strive for. It's easy to pop up meaningless content, but it won't make your site any better than your competition. Go for unique, go for quality. Be better than your competition. Content is key is no longer valid. It's no longer sufficient having a lot of...
Well, I've learned that building and managing an online community is no easy feat! But, with a little bit of passion and a lot of dedication, it can be one of the most rewarding jobs in the world. Here are 95 things I've discovered so far: You've gotta know why you're building an online community. A strong community takes time to build. Set specific goals and targets. Who cares about the technology? It's all about the people. Planning is way more important than design and coding. Starting a community is the most exciting part! Running a successful community is the most rewarding part! You can revive a dormant community. Ads shouldn't steal the show from your content or your community. Never hide your community behind a "Community"...
In addition to the "Does username matter as an Admin/staff?" discussion, I thought I'd write about the importance of being Personal with your community. You'll notice I've written Personal with a capital letter. This is to emphasize the importance. No one likes to be on a community where the admin is not personal. Doesn't share stuff. I'm not asking to drop your biggest secrets or anything but have you ever realized that banks tend to address you by your name when you call them up? It's the same when you're requesting an insurance quote over the phone - the operator often greets you by your name. The purpose behind this practice is to create a personalized experience that makes you feel appreciated and respected as a customer. This...
In today's Community Snippet I will take you through some advise and also explain why we are all Admin Junkies. We're all committed and addicted to forums. "For your community to be successful, it needs to be like a drug." Starting a new online community is a huge challenge. Not only do you need to attract visitors and convert them into members, you also need to ensure they return to your website frequently and get involved. Never think that once a visitor has become a member of your site, your work is done. You need to ensure that every person that visits your site will remember it. By keeping your site in their minds, they are far more likely to return and get involved. Never let the visitor forget your community Hey, it's...
Hey there, forum runner! So you've got a forum on your website, but have you thought about adding some extra juice to your online presence? Believe it or not, by beefing up your site with additional sections and publishing some killer articles, you can create a more enticing and interactive user experience. Not only will this help you lure in fresh traffic, but it can also help your forum thrive and reach new heights of success! "The ultimate key to success lies in having top-notch, one-of-a-kind content." The more you add, the more you attract So, you're diving headfirst into the world of online communities and you're facing one of the biggest hurdles - attracting traffic. Sure, you can take some basic steps to make your site more...
Everyone knows how fond I am talking about a community but have you ever thought of your online community as a beautiful woman? You might be surprised to find out that they share some similarities. It's also a bit of a relationship advice at the same time. ;) "You're not doing it right if you don't have a couple of haters." Treat her well and you will be rewarded Listen up, folks! Just like a beautiful woman, your online community craves some TLC. It wants to be respected, appreciated, and heard. That's right, you gotta give it ongoing attention and make your members feel valued. Take the long-term approach to community development, and you'll be on your way to success. Neglect it, and you're in for a nasty breakup. Trust me, just...
Establishing a thriving online community is no easy feat. Despite pouring your heart and soul into it, it's disheartening to witness minimal growth and progress after dedicating countless hours and resources. Perhaps you anticipated amassing a membership of over 500 within six months, only to find out you have just 50. But don't let this setback discourage you. "Persistence is key to maintaining a community. If you don't want to pour in your heart and soul - don't bother to create it in the first place." The first 6 months are the hardest! Building an online community from scratch is an arduous task. It requires you to entice new members, but it's unlikely for visitors to join if they stumble upon a forum with only a handful of...
To ensure the success of your online community, it is important to have moderators who can manage its growth. As your community develops, it may require more than one moderator. It is crucial that your moderators work well together as a team and maintain a harmonious relationship. Anything less than that could harm the effectiveness of your moderators and the reputation of your online community. "Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much." Why you need to maintain team spirit among your moderators The way your moderators behave is a direct reflection of you and your online community. If there are personal conflicts between moderators, it will negatively impact the professionalism and credibility of your moderating team...
When evaluating the success of your online community, it's important not to judge it solely based on the number of members it has. This is because only a fraction of those members are typically active contributors, while the rest may be considered "lurkers" who have registered but have yet to make a contribution. Lurkers still have value While getting more lurkers active can be a challenging aspect of online community building, it's important to recognize that they still have value, as they are interested in your community and may be engaging with it by logging in and reading existing discussions. They feel intimidated/shy/vulnerable That being said, a successful online community does require a sufficient number of contributing...
Establishing a new community is a difficult task as new members are unlikely to join unless there is an established group. In this snippet, we will discuss effective strategies for promoting a new community while gaining knowledge and insight. Seek out your audience First and foremost, it's essential to actively seek out potential visitors rather than passively waiting for them to find you. If you wait to rank up on Google, you're lost before even starting. Identify the types of websites your target audience is likely to visit and engage with those communities. Avoid spamming forums, private message or directing users to your website; instead, learn about the signature policy of the forum and add a link to your site while contributing...
In a previous post, I talked about the importance of keeping an eye on your competition for inspiration for your website. However, it is essential to remember that inspiration is all you should get from them; copying what they do will not differentiate you from your competitors. Being unique is crucial to your success, and it is essential to offer something that users cannot find anywhere else. To achieve this, you need to look at customizing your community site. For example, most community sites start with a forum, such as XenForo, InvisionCommunity or free options like phpBB, SMF or phpBB. Think of how many bog-standard forum themes you have seen - did they inspire you to join? Not only does a unique theme or ’skin’ make you stand...
As a community manager, it's essential to add this task to your 'to-do' list - bring back one inactive member every day. Rather than solely focusing on attracting new members, redirect your efforts into encouraging existing members to return and contribute. There are various approaches you can take to achieve this, such as finding discussions that may interest them and reaching out to them to join. Identifying a discussion topic that aligns with their area of expertise and encourage them to share their knowledge on. Additionally, you could connect with members they previously formed relationships with and ask them to reconnect with the AWOL (Absent Without Leave) member. You can even involve the entire community in this endeavor...
Imagine that you're at work and you receive a call to attend a meeting. You show up at the designated location, only to find out that no one else is present. You leave, thinking it was just a mistake. The next day, you receive another call to the same meeting, but once again, there's nobody there. How many times would you keep attending the meeting before giving up altogether? The same principle applies to website visitors. If they visit your website and find no fresh content, they'll likely leave. This is especially true for community websites. I see this all the time on many forums. The post count barely goes up. What's even worse is that the admin and staff team's post count doesn't increase. If you as an admin won't post, why do...
We sometimes witness our community members coming up with their own ideas and taking action based on them. And, as expected, some of these ideas turn out to be successful, while others fall short. Based on our experience, we can confidently say that more often than not, the community's ideas tend to work out. In fact, their success rate is usually higher than when we, as admins, come up with ideas. The rationale behind this is straightforward: When we propose an idea, we are essentially taking an informed guess at what our community members desire. On the other hand, when our community members themselves come up with an idea, they are essentially communicating exactly what they need and want. Thus, it would be unwise to disregard...
Creating and maintaining an online community can be incredibly challenging. You have to consistently generate content and promote your site, but after weeks of hard work, seeing only a handful of new visitors can make it hard to stay motivated. Some people find that setting specific goals or targets helps them stay focused and motivated. For example, you could set a goal to post a certain number of articles per week or to increase your site's traffic by a certain percentage within a certain timeframe. Others find that it helps to break up the work into smaller, more manageable tasks. Instead of trying to tackle everything at once, focus on completing one task at a time, and celebrate each small victory along the way. Another strategy...
Making a new member of your community feel welcomed and valued is crucial in encouraging their participation and contribution to your site. A great way to achieve this is by adding a personal touch through welcome messages. For forum owners, it's important to send a standard welcome email to new members upon registration. However, many forum developers overlook the opportunity to customize this email. It's a small gesture, but it can make a big difference in how a new member perceives your community. Wouldn't you prefer to receive an email that appears to be more personalized rather than an obviously automated one? Additionally most forum softwares have the option to post something on their profile wall. While an automated PM may feel...

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